CMS & Admin Websites
This site is for Corporate staff only. They can place orders on behalf of distributors, process credits and returns, run reports, register new distributors, send emails to the distributors, and set up special offers and promotions.

Orders & Returns
The vast majority of orders will be placed on line by distributors but there will always be a need occasionally for Corporate staff to enter orders on behalf of a distributor. The Corporate member of staff enjoys certain privileges such as being able to enter an order FOC or with payment by means other than credit card. Also overrides on price on delivery for example is possible.

With so much variable content across all the web sites and with the obvious need to keep things current and fresh, a good content management system is of paramount importance. All images, text, videos, language translations, links etc can be easily maintained here by Corporate staff without any need for programming skills.

Register a new Distributor
If someone is interested in signing up as a new distributor, they can read all about the opportunity here, and can sign up on line, and will immediately be placed in the downline of the distributor who owns the site. The new distributor will be invited to enter contact and banking details for commissions, select starter pack(s), elect to have his/her own site; with payment by credit card

Corporate staff can email the entire distributor database or can selectively mail based on any criteria held in the system. The emails can be on demand or can be automatically sent at set times to cut down on administrative time

Special Offers
Both distributor orders and the B2C shopping cart can have their own special offers set up to apply to all or just selected groups of customers. They can apply between 2 dates and you can control whether normal discounts and commissionable volumes apply or not

Corporate staff may report to display or spreadsheet several reports key to running the business. These include data on sales performance, recruitment, and forward planning on events