Distributor Services
Once a distributor has signed up, he/she can access the distributor services website with his ID number and password. On this site he will be able to place orders, view his/her genealogy, report on personal and downline performance, view FAQs and information and download files posted by Corporate, and view his/her event calendar. This site can also be used by Corporate staff using any Distributor ID plus their own override password.

The distributor order process is designed to facilitate the swift entry of an order previously taken by the distributor using entered SKU numbers rather than the more ‘add to basket, selling’ style of the B2C shopping cart .
Displays real time stock balances and commission volumes.
Handles many different order types and can capture hostess and attendee details. A party order can optionally be partially or totally virtual, meaning that customers can be invited to an event through a URL which directs them to place their orders though the distributor's own shopping site, choosing to have delivery direct or with the rest of the party, but in each case adding to the party order value. This facility can also be used at a physical party so the distributor can hand her smart phone / tablet to the customer so that she can enter her own card details.
Delivery can be to distributor, hostess or customer, with the option to use different date sensitive price lists. It accommodates special offers, promotions, kits, gifts and sales aids and provides definable discount and delivery charge tables. The system allows the payment of an order through several credit cards on-line, or using a mobile phone or tablet payment app, and allows previous credits and over-payments to be used against an order.

The distributor may monitor their own performance, and that of their downline. He/she can look at previous months results and the system will show the genealogy as it was then. You can highlight new recruits in the month, show their rank in that month, show terminated distributors or not, flag those who are active and when last active, and display any commissionable volumes applicable. The distributor can open up a contact card, drill down to order details for self and each recruit, and can download the data into a spreadsheet for off line analysis at the touch of a button.

The distributor may report to display or spreadsheet several reports key to running his/her business. These include data on to date commissions, sales performance, recruitment, and forward planning on events

Corporate can produce marketing, information, training, performance and pricing documents in all popular formats for the distributor to download

Corporate can produce frequently asked questions and answers for the distributor to access, split into logical sections

Event Calendars
When an event is booked, it is added to the calendar of the distributor who can see his/her own future events and those of his/her downline. In Party plan particularly, the number of parties booked in the coming weeks and months is a key metric in respect of likely performance. Also, when looking back through dates, the distributor can see any orders that related to individual events.

Contact Details
To cut down on the administration time of Corporate administration staff, and to keep the data current, the site allows the distributor to change any contact details directly on line.